Becoming a PEVRA member helps us advocate for safety and inclusion for personal electric vehicles. Our street, park, and public spaces must safely accommodate the growing revolution of personal electric vehicles.

PEVRA speaks out on behalf of its members and personal electric vehicle riders in the media:

Just as personal transportation shifted from animals to machines at the dawn of the 20th century, another profound change is now underway: Cars and trucks are becoming autonomous, which will reduce their overall footprint on our infrastructure, while smaller, more powerful batteries and motors are enabling a revolution in personal electric vehicles.
These personal electric vehicles come in many forms and shapes. Electric skateboards, unicycles, scooters, bicycles, even hoverboards, hovershoes, and unknown future forms, will redefine the future of mobility and empower a new realm of personal transportation.
PEVRA exists to define a place on our roads, streets and public spaces for personal electric vehicles. Our goal is 100% legal status for personal electric vehicles in all jurisdictions. We are far from that goal today. Several countries — the United Kingdom, Germany, Singapore, and others — essentially create criminals of citizens seeking to transport themselves using a zero-emission, minimum-footprint mode of transportation.